Refined Health & Wellness Inc. is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our clients. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act and other applicable laws. This policy outlines the principles and practices we follow in protecting your personal information.
- This policy applies to Refined Health & Wellness Inc. and to any practitioner providing services on our behalf. A copy of this policy can be provided to any client on request.
- Refined Health & Wellness Inc. cares about its customers, and appreciates any concerns or inquiries about how we handle personal information.
- We strive to provide clients with a great web experience, and with that we commit to keeping your information secure.
- We promise to abide by this policy and handle your personal information in a responsible, professional and respectful manner.
Please read our Privacy Policy carefully so that you can understand how we collect, use and disclose the personal information that you provide to us.
- With your access to this website we imply your consent to all the terms and conditions stated in this policy.
- If, at any time, we wish to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information for any other purpose, we will notify you and seek your consent.
- Please note, that in some limited circumstances we are permitted by law to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information without your consent and notice.
- We ask for consent to collect, use or disclose client personal information, except in specific circumstances where collection, use or disclosure without consent is authorized or required by law.
- We may assume your consent in cases where you volunteer information for an obvious purpose.
- We assume your consent to continue to use and, where applicable, disclose personal information that we have already collected, for the purpose for which the information was collected.
- We ask for your express consent for some purposes and may not be able to provide certain services if you are unwilling to provide consent to the collection, use or disclosure of certain personal information. Where express consent is needed, we will normally ask clients to provide their consent orally (in person, by telephone), or in writing (by signing a consent form).
- In cases that do not involve sensitive personal information, we may rely on “opt-out” consent. For example, we may disclose your contact information to other organizations that we believe may be of interest to you, unless you request that we do not disclose your information. You can do this by telephoning our local number (780) 459-1178
- A client may withdraw consent to the use and disclosure of personal information at any time, unless the personal information is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations. We will respect your decision, but we may not be able to provide you with certain products and services if we do not have the necessary personal information.
- We may collect, use or disclose client personal information without consent only as authorized by law. For example, we may not request consent when the collection, use or disclosure is to determine suitability for an honour or award, or in an emergency that threatens life, health or safety.
Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This includes an individual’s name, home address and phone number, email address, age, date of birth, sex, marital or family status, credit card information, educational history, etc.
- We collect only the personal information that we need for the purposes of providing services to our clients, including personal information needed to:
- provide requested services
- collect payment for services received
- sell and receive payment for retail items and gift certificates
- directly bill Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies
- direct bill Extended Health Benefit Insurance Companies
- We normally collect client personal information directly from our clients. We may collect your information from other persons with your consent or as authorized by law.
- We inform our clients, before or at the time of collecting personal information, of the purposes for which we are collecting the information. The only time we don’t provide this notification is when a client volunteers information for an obvious purpose (for example, producing a credit card to pay a fee when the information will be used only to process the payment).
- We use and disclose client personal information only for the purpose, for which the information was collected, except as authorized by law. For example, we may use client contact information to directly bill Extended Health Benefit Insurance Companies, or Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies.
- If we wish to use or disclose your personal information for any new business purpose, we will ask for your consent. We may not seek consent if the law allows this (e.g. the law allows organizations to use personal information without consent for the purpose of collecting a debt).
- We collect, use and disclose your personal information only for identified purposes and with your knowledge and consent. We do this reasonably and for reasonable purposes.
- Today we collect and save any personal information (such as name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) only when provided through a contact or application form. Such voluntarily provided information is treated confidentially, not passed on to third parties and is exclusively used for dealing with your request.
- We also may use specific trusted third party software through API’s (Application Program Interface), links and other implementation methods. In some cases we may collect your IP address to gather broad information per example about geographics, or to help diagnose problems. Such information is used anonymously.
- We may enrich our website with more functionality and services in the future, and such development may include the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal information for other purposes than currently included in this Privacy Policy. In such a case we will always first revise this Privacy Policy in the matter as described in “What if we revise this Privacy Policy?”.
- We make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete. We rely on individuals to notify us if there is a change to their personal information that may affect their relationship with our organization. If you are aware of an error in our information about you, please let us know and we will correct it on request wherever possible. In some cases, we may ask for a written request for correction.
- We protect personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the information.
- We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information.
- We use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.
- We retain personal information only as long as is reasonable to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected or for legal or business purposes.
- Cookies are small text files which are stored locally on your hard drive, when you use a website or web application. Cookies are used temporary during your website visit (session cookies) and apart visits (persistent cookies).
- Note that most browsers allow some control of cookies. If you delete or block cookies this website may not work properly, since the use of cookies may be necessary for operation of this website.
- By using our website while your browser is set to accept cookies, we imply your consent to them.We use cookies to store temporary information which helps us to enhance user experience. We use cookies
to store display settings and user preferences
to store information entered and submitted through form fields to help identify and maintain browsing sessions (session cookies) to store visited pages or used tools and functions available on the website (tracking cookies) in third-party software, e.g. for analysis of web traffic and movements on our page - Most cookies do not contain personal data or information about you as an individual. However, stored form field information and cookies created by third-party software may contain such information.
- When our website is accessed, data such as information about your movements, your entries in search forms, and statistics about your navigation is collected and recorded by us or by trusted third-party agents.
- This data is non-identifying and is solely used for continually improvement of the online experience, for evaluation of success of marketing campaigns, and for reports on site usage.
- We may offer links to other websites on our websites, whose operators may also collect personal information including information generated through the use of cookies.
- We are not responsible for how such third parties collect, use or disclose information. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with their privacy policies before providing any personal information.
- You may contact us at any time in case you wish to access, verify or correct your personal information, or for the case that you would like to amend or withdraw your consent.
- Our Chief Privacy Officer, or an appropriate delegate, will review your communication and, if necessary, respond to you directly.
- Individuals have a right to access their own personal information in a record that is in the custody or under the control of Refined Health & Wellness, subject to some exceptions.
- For example, organizations are required under the Personal Information Protection Act to refuse to provide access to information that would reveal personal information about another individual.
- If we refuse a request in whole or in part, we will provide the reasons for the refusal. In some cases where exceptions to access apply, we may withhold that information and provide you with the remainder of the record.
- You may make a request for access to your personal information by writing to our clinic administration ([email protected]), whom are designated to ensure our compliance with PIPA. You must provide sufficient information in your request to allow us to identify the information you are seeking.
- You may also request information about our use of your personal information and any disclosure of that information to persons outside our organization. In addition, you may request a correction of an error or omission in your personal information.
- We will respond to your request within 45 calendar days, unless an extension is granted. We may charge a reasonable fee to provide information, but not to make a correction. We do not charge fees when the request is for personal employee information. We will advise you of any fees that may apply before beginning to process your request.
- We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy periodically and without notice.
- Any new revisions will be posted on our website.
- Therefore we encourage you to check back often in order to remain informed of any changes that may impact you or the treatment of the information you provide.
- If you have a question or concern about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by Refined Health & Wellness Inc., or about a request for access to your own personal information, please contact our clinic administration ([email protected]), whom are designated to ensure our compliance with PIPA.
- If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you should contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta:
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
- Suite 2460, 801 – 6 Avenue, SW
- Calgary, Alberta T2P 3W2
- Phone: 403-297-2728
- Toll Free: 1-888-878-4044
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.oipc.ab.ca