Chad Fahl

Registered Massage Therapist



  • Myofascial Cupping
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM): Deep Tissue Massage Certification


  • Member in good standing of the CMMOTA (Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association)


  • Recognized by ALL insurance benefit companies.
  • Direct bills to ALL major insurance companies listed on our website’s direct billing page. [CLICK HERE]
  • After each treatment has been completed, a receipt will be provided for client submission for reimbursement.


“I initially began my professional career in the field of engineering.  I thrived within the analytical elements of the occupation, but my body and mind struggled greatly with the stagnant nature of sitting at a desk in front of a computer, day in and day out.  Naturally, I looked for solutions to improve both my physical and mental health and found passions with exercise and healthy eating.  It became obvious that a major change was necessary, and I chose to embark on a journey into the world of health and wellness. 

By transitioning from the stagnant and stationary routine of my day job, into a lifestyle of consistent exercise and weight training, I have learned the various effects and stresses that both extremes can have on the body.  To address these issues, I began to acquire knowledge with regards to stretching, mobility, and massage techniques.  This not only eliminated any pain that I was experiencing, but also improved my gym performance and overall mental health.

The human body can heal itself from many soft-tissue and overuse injuries, but it needs to be put in proper position first.  My training has provided me with the tools to do just that.  My treatment approach begins with listening to what a client is currently experiencing, determining the root cause of the issue(s), physically manipulating the body to initiate positive and lasting change, and then providing homecare and guidance to prevent reoccurrence.  Through a proactive plan of action, it is my genuine desire to improve your current health and keep it that way.

Thank you for considering me as part of your wellness team.  I look forward to meeting you and your family.

Don’t forget… please drink your water.”


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